Gardening Workshops

On the 3rd Monday of the month, enjoy a Lunch & Learn!

Outstanding speakers from all over come to share their wisdom on a variety of topics from wildlife to composting, flowers to vegetables, and so much more!

Not to mention

Community Projects

Please participate in our community projects and contribute towards making your community a better place.l

a garden club with a garden club sign
a garden club with a garden club sign

Special Events

Our events generate money to sustain our club and provide scholarships for youth. Plant Sales. Holiday Crafts. Yard Sales. There is always something to look forward to!

About us

Abington Garden Club is a community of gardening enthusiasts committed to advancing gardening, enhancing communities, and conserving nature. Join us today and let's make a difference together! We meet the 3rd Monday of the month in The United Church of Christ in Abington MA. The luncheon starts at noon, followed by a lecture on any variety of subjects at 1:00 P.M. Email Laurie Kelliher below if you would like to attend.

3rd Monday of The Month

10 Bedford Street, Abington, MA

Third Monday of the Month
12 - 2pm

Laurie Kelliher at